Bringing your vision to life.
Powerful ideas.
Transformative design solutions.
Helping people, organizations and communities thrive.

When determining the location for their latest facility, GEA’s primary objective was to strengthen its presence among their growing Midwest customer base. As a global company, GEA recognized their clients’ preference for “made in America” products and aimed to establish a new space in proximity to the industries they serve. With established markets in pharmaceuticals, dairy, food, and the marine industry, GEA identified Janesville as an ideal location to better connect with clients in these sectors.

Adaptable, inspiring,
high-functioning and beautiful environments.

Markets of Expertise
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Zimmerman is an interdisciplinary architecture, interior design, planning and engineering firm.

We believe that the creation or renovation of a building is a landmark event. Architectural environments have the power to transform businesses, strengthen communities, inspire learning and save lives.

The foundation of our firm lies in the knowledge, spirit and soul of the people behind the scenes of the spaces created.

Meet our team of imaginative and award-winning architects, planners, designers and professionals whose expertise defines and supports Zimmerman as a leader in the industry.

You're in good company.


Cultivating a strong sense of community is the core of what we do. It all starts at our office, where our commitment to being present with each other is demonstrated in our work.

Ready to begin your next project?