The Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMR) is the third and final component of the University of Wisconsin Madison’s HealthStar construction program. The heart of this new research complex brings together unique state-of-the-art human and technological elements of medicine. UW’s leading cancer research, imaging and diagnostic resources are directly adjacent to outstanding inpatient and outpatient healthcare services, allowing occupants to pursue translational and interdisciplinary research for UW’s Medical School.
The Phase I core program includes modern translational medicine laboratories required for a comprehensive cancer center, and includes an imaging center, a vivarium and building support space. Phase II, known as the Center Tower, continued the consolidation of medical research labs and critical programs for the long-term success of the center’s goals. The Center Tower consists of a seven-story laboratory tower on a three-story base. The base building portion of the Center Tower was completed during Phase I.
Phase II houses seven research laboratory floors, occupied by the Eye Research Institute, Surgery, Cardiovascular and Regenerative Sciences, Molecular Medicine, and Neurosciences research groups. A chilled beam structural solution provides additional open office space through a mezzanine system on multiple floors. Phase II additionally incorporates sustainability practices such as construction material recycling, daylighting, substantial heat recovery, robust building automation controls, a rain garden, an accessible green roof, and low maintenance landscape features necessary to achieve LEED-Gold certification.